Nov 07, 2022
In-Person Hybrid at ISU Alumni Center
Central Iowa Drug Taskforce

The Central Iowa Drug Task Force is a multi jurisdictional task force covering Story, Boone and Greene counties under the direction of the Story County Sheriff’s Office. Full time members include the Story Co Sheriff’s Office, Ames Police, ISU Police, Story Co Attorney’s Office, Boone Co Sheriff’s Office, Boone Police Dept. Boone Co Attorneys’ Office, Iowa Division of Narcotics Enforcement and the Iowa national Guard. Numerous other law Enforcement agencies in the three counties serve as part time members. The Sheriff’s Office has two full time deputies assigned to the task force, both positions are funded through a grant from the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy. The Sergeant from the Sheriff’s Office assigned to the task force coordinates and supervises all task force activities and maintains the funding grant.